So I arrived in the gym ready for a nice recovery row - Will offered me a session with Barry an MMA figther and I must admit I jumped at the chance. The following is the session we completed
Bike - 5mins
Y,T,W - 3×5,5,5
3×4minute row with 1 minute recovery
Work Block 1 - 10 mins
1A Box Jumps - 5 reps
1B Pull Ups - 3 reps
1C Elevated Push Ups - 10 reps
3×4minute row with 1 minute recovery
Work Block 2 - 10 mins
2A Split Jumps - 10 reps
2B Inverted Rows - 5 reps
2C KB Shoulder Press - 5 reps each side
3×4minute row with 1 minute recovery
3A III Way Bridging - 2 sets (30second each bridge variation)
3B Natural Reverse Hypers - 2 sets of 15 reps
1 3 x 4 mins - 1085 1130 1150
2 3 x 4 mins - 1100 1150 1175
3 3 x 4 mins - 1100 1109 1162
I will put my heart rate info up later due to technical difficulties
2km Rowing Race
16 years ago