Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fresh Start

Ok for anyone that actually knew this blog existed - i've moved and updated


Do come and visit

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Went to Look at the Water

I have concluded the well known fact that "Ergo's don't float" so its time to put all this gym time onto the water.

I headed to Island Bridge on Wednesday to take a look at a few boats and find about getting some instruction. So now I have to make a date to be shown how its done.

I am planning to hit the water for real next week.

Training wise - I doing some high intensity work I'll document it later in the week

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Apologies For Lapse

Having moved home in the last couple of weeks with a few bits and pieces going on I have not given any time to this information source primarily recording the training I am up to.

To answer Eric

I have not got the call to the water but am expecting it in April so need to get the blades going on the erg. The invite was from a colleague so know nothing about rowing clubs. No blog on work - people not always interested in that side of things

To answer Monica

Sorry I had a few relocation issues and although training away I haven't been too good with recording my work on the blog. I have been training and helping a few people here and there with rowing technique issues - generally just to keep themselves from passing out..

To make this clear I am not a rower in the true sense as I've never tried it out on water. I do spend a considerable amount of time on the erg though. I'm sure with a few tips we could get you to 8min 40secs - 2:10/500 pace is very possible - need to teach you how to row, sounds simple !

I have suffered that little chest infection recently and know your pain. Just make sure you have a plan in place and don't fight the laws of thermodynamics - focus on something to achieve in a training block. If I can be of any help with your training let me know - only happy to help you hit your targets. Think I need to train with MMA man again to get my enthusiasm up again.

Starting Point

So i will be starting a very intense block of training in the next 4 weeks or so. In the gym I work out in we test on a 4 weekly basis and I was a little disappointed with my test scores so i've taken to joining forces with a training partner to sort it out. I'll record it all here to keep myself going

So base line scores at the moment (remembering these tests are run in this sequence each time we go and in one session)

Body Weight - 110.9
Bench Press - 115kg (1RM) +5 kg Not Happy
Chin Ups - 10 No Change Not Happy
Press Ups - 59 (1 Min) Chest to Floor +15 on previous Want to Improve
Inverted Row - 31 (1 Min) No Change Not Happy
Trap Bar Deadlift - 180kg +10kg Not Happy

No row test completed will complete in 4 weeks

So I will record my diet and my workouts mainly for myself but please comment - need all the motivation I can get

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We're Off

So I arrived in the gym ready for a nice recovery row - Will offered me a session with Barry an MMA figther and I must admit I jumped at the chance. The following is the session we completed

Bike - 5mins
Y,T,W - 3×5,5,5
3×4minute row with 1 minute recovery
Work Block 1 - 10 mins
1A Box Jumps - 5 reps
1B Pull Ups - 3 reps
1C Elevated Push Ups - 10 reps
3×4minute row with 1 minute recovery
Work Block 2 - 10 mins
2A Split Jumps - 10 reps
2B Inverted Rows - 5 reps
2C KB Shoulder Press - 5 reps each side
3×4minute row with 1 minute recovery
3A III Way Bridging - 2 sets (30second each bridge variation)
3B Natural Reverse Hypers - 2 sets of 15 reps

1 3 x 4 mins - 1085 1130 1150
2 3 x 4 mins - 1100 1150 1175
3 3 x 4 mins - 1100 1109 1162

I will put my heart rate info up later due to technical difficulties

Monday, February 2, 2009

And we're off

So today i managed a two session day


8x500m r 3:30

13:01.9 1:37.6 31

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Little Row

Ok so with a slight level of anexity I climbed back on the erg today. I've done very little work on it over the last 2 months as I focused on some strength work. So I trained this morning on an empty stomach

I completed 10 x 1km rows - 1:52.6 pace SR 27 with a 1 minute rest on each.
My heart rate maxed at about 145 and seetled down under 100 before each new 1km.

Good session, and will have a conditioning weights session with Will tonight. We have a little discussion scheduled to get this programme right and set a few targets. So i'll update again tonight... Not that anyone will notice

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Testing Day

So today was my first day back in the facility and myself and Will decided it would be a good idea to test. So a little warm up and stretch and off we went

Bench Press (1RM) 110 kg
Chin Ups (Max) 10 Reps
Press Ups (60 Sec) 44 Reps
Inverted Rows (60 Sec) 31 Reps
Deadlift (1 RM) 170kg

Pretty happy with them all as, I have not been doing any bench or chin work during my strength phase. I'll talk to W and see where he sees my goals as I look towards some weight training and a cross training of rowing and running. So we'll see the plan tomorrow...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Time to Row

Ok, so for the last 6 weeks the erg has been very much in the background of my mind. Will has had me on a heavy strength programme where rowing was not allowwed to effect strength days. So it has simply been a gentle recovery day exercise in the 1:55 to 2.00/ 500m region.

I have been invited to join a novice rowing team "on actual water". To do this I will have to concentrate heavily on erg work and take the benefit of all the strength work. This will be an interesting little journey but in my mind I can mix it up with weights and cross train with running/interval work. I'll have to disuss with WH to get this all sorted out.

Enough to say this blog will become all the more interesting again from next week !!